The only mapping
platform you'll ever need.

We didn't reinvent the wheel, just the map. Try for yourself.

Date/time association

Future & historical events + itineraries

Branding capabilities

Ensure your map content fits in your marketing assets

Crowdsourcing & insights

Engage your audience & get insights on viewership + conversion

Enterprise Accounts

User management & team map storage

Customize points

Customize point title and description.

Custom title and subtitle

Freely add and edit points with a custom title, subtitle and description.

Include photos on every point

Add your own photos to each point or pull them from Google Images.

Set categories and subtags

Create custom categories and subtags and customize their look.

View points in list format

Access list of points foreasy edt/delete access.

Several ways to add points

Add points using address, Google Place, or latitude/longitude.

Customize header color

Choose from a color scale, eye dropper tool, or RGB code to find the perfect banner and title text color.

Add points in bulk

Easily convert Google My Maps or paste in your own spreadsheet.

Set map center and zoom

Set map center in any location and choose map zoom from street to world.

Nearby Search

Search for nearby places or brands, and Proxi will generate a list of locations to add to your map.

Text-to-Map AI

Simply copy and paste your copy into the Text-to-Map tool, and Proxi will generate a new map for you.

Blog-to-Map AI

Input a URL and Proxi will automatically generate a map with all places the URL mentioned.

Standard Features

Advanced Features

Share maps anywhere

Embed maps on any website or share with custom URL and QR code. Publish on Proxi’s Discover page and print your map with points.

Custom social preview media image link

Customize the preview image on social media by putting a custom image URL.

Map analytics

Get advanced analytics on map views, time spent on maps, viewer demographics, point interactions and much more.

Assign dates

Associate date/time with points to create future & historical events.

Featured points

Add special offers and feature points with a 'glow'.

Print maps

Personalize your prints with custom legends and design modifications.

Duplicate maps

Create additional maps, without starting over! Keep settings and subsets of points.

Special offers

Add special offers and promotion codes to map points.

Multi-point select + routes

Click on the points you wish to explore and plan personalized routes.

Publish to Proxi

Promote your maps on Proxi’s Discovery Details page and get even more views!

Proxi Creator profiles

Highlight your brand’s unique content and personality.

Create a team

Collaborate on maps with your team, set brand controls and templates, and make prioritized feature requests.

Standard Features

Advanced Map Design

Brand maps with your logo

Ensure your map content fits in your marketing assets by adding a custom header logo and URL.

Customize map background (map skin)

Choose map skin from our presets or design your own.

Point numbering

Number points for walking tours, itinerary planning or rating top spots.

Draw shapes on maps

Use our drawing tool to create routes and boundaries on the map.

Crowdsource maps

Proxi is the only tool that lets you gather audience inputs using custom forms.

Google Images integration

Enable/disable pulling automatic pull of Google images.

Hide "Also featured on"

Tailor map actions to your needs and hide buttons from the users' view.

Info drawer customization

Add more context to your maps and share a bit about your brand.

Custom fonts

Add flair and individuality to your maps with custom font styles.

'Best of' Voting Campaigns

Map viewers will vote for best place by category. You receiver voter email addresses and vote totals to declare your winners.

Passwords & Paywalls

Unlock the power of privacy and profitability with Proxi's Gated Access toolkit.


Auto translate your maps to different languages.

Lead Generation

Grow your email list with pop up email capture and point inquiry forms.

Proxi Passport Challenge

Increase foot traffic in your community with a digital alternative to a traditional stamped passport booklet.

Custom Forms

Customize how points are added to your map. This ensures that the data collected is relevant and structured according to your specific needs.

Map viewer features


Visitors can easily view and navigate through maps both on desktop and mobile.

Map point details

Map points include pictures, custom title, description and Action Buttons for engaging viewership.

Current location marker

If user allows location tracking, they can see current location marker.

Search and filter

Users can search points on the map and filter using categories and subcategories.

List of points

Two views available: scroll through a list ofpoitns or explore the map.

Mark as visited

Mark a point as visited - keep track of pthe places you've been!

Proxi Feature Index - Map Creators

Enable unique features

Crowdsource your map – only free tool that lets you gather audience inputs

Capture email addresses - Add map viewers to your distribution list

Allow map viewers to 'upvote' points to provide social proof to other viewers

Enable/disable pulling automatic pull of Google images

Feature points with a 'glow'

Disable address display – great to highlight areas without giving away discrete locations

Convert more viewers to your recommendations with Community Passport Challenge feature

Coming soon!

Create map points

Add points using address, Google Place, or latitude/longitude

Customize point title and description

Increase conversion on your recommendations with Action buttons

Include photos on every point

Number points for walking tours, itinerary planning or rating top spots

Map viewers can mark points as visited for easy tracking on your map

Associate date/time with points

Associated Special Offers or Promotion Codes With Map Points

Blog-to-map Chrome Extension- Input a URL and Proxi will automatically generate a map with all places the URL mentioned. Great for quickly creating a map to accompany your blog/article.

customize the look and feel of maps

Custom title and subtitle

Set map center and zoom

Customize map background (map skin)

Feature points with a 'glow'

Draw shapes on maps

Custom social preview media image link

Brand maps with logo and header color

Add points in bulk

Spreadsheet copy/paste

KML upload - Easily convert Google My Maps

Set categories & subtags

Create custom categories and subtags

Categories can appear as circles with custom colors, sticker icons, or your own image

duplicate maps

Create additional maps, without starting over! Keep settings and subsets of points

Manage user access

Set editors and owners from each map

View points in list format

Access list of points for easy edit/delete access

get map analytics

Map views

Views Over Time (see spikes in traffic), Unique Map Viewers

Time Spent on Map

Viewers Demographics

Point Interactions - point clicks, opens, link clicks

OpenTable clicks -see how many people booked on OpenTable

Bookmark count - see how many people bookmarked your map

Conversion data - understand how many people visited the locations you've recommended

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Organize multiple maps

Folder management system

View Bookmarked Maps and My Maps

Manage editor/owner access to maps

enable enterprise accounts

Team management, up to 6 editor seats included

Set brand controls and templates

Team collaboration on all maps

Prioritized Feature Requests

All Up Map Analytics

Coming soon!

share maps anywhere

Embed in website

Share with custom URL via social networks, text, email

QR Code

Publish to Proxi - Show your map to other Proxi viewers


Put your map behind a password

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Put your map behind a paywall and get paid for selling map access

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Capture Map Viewer Email Addresses

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Proxi Feature Index - Map Viewers

Create map points
All Map Viewers

Mobile friendly

Map points include pictures, custom title, description and Action Buttons for engaging viewership

Search box

Current location marker

Multi-select filter using categories and subcategories

View list of points

Scroll through points

Mark a point as visited - keep track of the places you've been!

Find, map and book experiences all from the map!

Coming soon!

Map our your path to success

✔ Start for free and share immediately.
✔ Getgame-changing map analytics.
✔ Ready to upgrade? Choose from flexible pricing options.