Let Us Map Your Destination

Let Proxi wow your visitors with interactive maps. By centralizing all the events, points of interest, and activities taking place at your destination, you can show visitors and locals all your destination has to offer in an engaging and interactive way.

Make Your Destination Come To Life

If an image can speak a thousand words, then a Proxi map can speak a million.

Elevate Your Content: Transform your online content into an engaging and dynamic experience that showcases the places that make your destination special. With Proxi, you can highlight places, include stunning images, link to relevant external content, and turn discovery into an immersive journey. Engage viewers and empower their decision-making process with interactive and captivating experiences.

Simplify Targeted Marketing: Proxi's lead generation tool simplifies gathering email addresses, giving you a competitive edge in communicating with specific audiences. Grow and nurture your subscriber lists, create personalized campaigns based on interests and location, and drive conversions and economic impact with tailored content.

Effortless Event Management: Streamline event planning and navigation with Proxi's mapping capabilities. Easily map out your event for vendors and attendees, and access real-time event analytics. Whether it's digital or print, Proxi ensures a seamless navigation experience for all participants.

Gain In-Depth Insights with Robust Analytics: Harness the power of Proxi's real-time analytics to gain a deep understanding of your audience. Analyze the conversion journey, user interactions, foot traffic, economic impacts, and demographics. Proxi's insights provide the knowledge you need to refine your strategy with precision.

Simplified Sharing: Share your maps instantly with just a link—no apps or downloads required! Integrate maps into e-newsletters, seamlessly embed them on your website, or leverage QR codes for print assets to make sharing a breeze.

‍User-Friendly and Cost-Effective: Say goodbye to complex and expensive custom tools. Embrace Proxi's user-friendly interface that caters to all levels of your organization. This accessibility seamlessly aligns with your brand standards, offering convenience and sophistication in one package.

Digital Passports & Challenges

Proxi Passport Challenge is the ultimate tool for crafting immersive and unique community-driven experiences. Create challenges and digital passports for your local businesses for events like 'Shop Local for the Holidays' or as a scavenger hunt around town. These digital alternatives to traditional stamped passport booklets gamify the experience for participants and drive foot traffic to your local area. With our check-in technology, you can track and measure your economic impact easily while ensuring participants enjoy a seamless experience and rewarding journey.

Make your Destination Come to Life

If an image can speak a thousand words, then a Proxi map can speak a million. Proxi maps bring your destination to life through the digital screen. By providing an interactive map for your visitors to explore, you can help them visualize their itineraries and finalize plans to explore your destination in real life. With Proxi’s creator analytics, you are given robust data to understand how your visitors are interacting with your map and city.

View Features

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Better Marketing Strategy
Look like a marketing innovator, recieve actionable data, and improve the way you move visitors down the marketing funnel.
Collaborate with Co-Workers
Allow your co-workers to add, edit, and maintain points on the map.
Brand Alignment is Easy
With Proxi, making our maps brand-aligned is easy. Customize every detail and make it look like an in-house tool.
Drive Traffic Back to Your Content
Set up your points link to your guides, products,YouTube Videos, and more. Help people more quickly find the content that is relevant to them. 
Date & Time Attributes
Edit with Ease
No reaching out to developers for help. Easily add, edit, and delete points in our friendly user interface.
Embed in Wordpress, Squarespace, and More
Embed Proxi maps using the “code” element with ease. Reach out to help@proxi.co with any questions.
Enjoy Great Support
Our support team is here to help. We won’t leave you in the cold. Reach out to help@proxi.co at any time. 
Import Spreadsheets
Import spreadsheets and effortlessly create maps from your own data sets.
Get analytics on map viewership
Understand how many people are clicking on your map and each point on your map. More analytics on conversion coming soon!
Increased Sustainability
Say goodbye to wasteful, and easily outdated paper maps.
Use Our QR codes to Easily Share the Maps on Prints
We create a shareable QR code for you & send it to your email. Print these to make accessing the map easy for everyone! No app required. 
Share Anywhere
Our maps are simply a link. No app required! Share via text, email, linkinbio, on your website, and more.

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Destination Marketing Organizations

Highlight the best your destination has to offer on an interactive map.

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Destination Marketing Organizations
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