Case Study: The Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge

A Successful Initiative to Boost Local Business with Proxi Passport Challenges

November 14, 2023

To promote local businesses and sustainable shopping during the 2023 holiday season, the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce initiated the Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge. This exciting multi-week event, presented as a Scavenger Hunt, aimed to encourage both locals and visitors to discover and support Blue Springs businesses while offering enticing rewards. Participants had the chance to win various prizes, including a grand prize of $400 cash.

The Challenge

The Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge ran from November 10 through December 14, 2023. Participants had the opportunity to join the challenge by signing up through a Proxi map. The objective was to visit and check in at as many businesses on the map as possible to accumulate points for entries into the grand prize drawing.

Each business, or passport stop, had a unique 4-digit code that participants entered when checking in on the digital map. These codes were displayed on the back of a picture of Lil’ Blue, the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce mascot, found in each business.

General passport stops were worth 10 points, while Chamber member passport stops were worth 15 points. For every 25 points accumulated, participants earned an entry into the grand prize draw. Thus, the more businesses visited, the more points earned, and the more chances to win the grand prize.

In addition to the grand prize, participants who checked in at a minimum of 10 businesses won an exclusive Blue Springs tote bag. Furthermore, participants who made purchases at passport locations and texted a photo of their receipt to the Chamber received bonus entries into the grand prize draw.

The Impact

The Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge was a resounding success in its efforts to promote local businesses and encourage sustainable shopping practices. Through the creation of an engaging and rewarding experience, the Chamber of Commerce effectively generated significant foot traffic to the participating establishments. Notably, the contest fostered a strong sense of community and excitement among both residents and visitors.

Furthermore, the utilization of Proxi maps provided the chamber with invaluable real-time data on participant activity. This enabled the Blue Springs Chamber to closely monitor and track point redemptions, as well as measure the direct economic impact by analyzing sales generated from the challenges. These insightful metrics were then shared with stakeholders to showcase the chamber's positive influence on the local community. The Blue Springs Chamber greatly appreciated the ability to access real-time results and leverage their participant email list for targeted marketing campaigns.

Overall, the Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge exemplified the chamber's commitment to supporting local businesses while simultaneously fostering community engagement. The effective use of data and strategic initiatives ensured the success of this endeavor, leaving a lasting impact on the Blue Springs community.

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The Buy Blue Springs Passport Challenge highlights the power of innovative and engaging initiatives in promoting local businesses. By combining the thrill of a scavenger hunt with the rewards of shopping local, the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce managed to create a fun and sustainable event that benefited both the community and local businesses. This case study serves as an inspiring example for other communities looking to boost their local economies through creative engagement strategies.

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